Saturday, February 6, 2016

Quick Chart Interpretations for Napoleon and King Louis XVI

In class I was learning about the French Revolution, so I thought I would talk about Napoleon and King Louis.


His Sun is in Leo; therefore, he’s going to want to take leadership roles.  He’s going to be stubborn and very persistent in whatever he chooses to do.  I think it’s so funny that he literally took a crown and placed it on his head himself—that is such a Leo thing to do.  All the French people loved him.  Leos are popular and are able to win the hearts of many people with the hearts of their own.  He instilled many good ideas and made a big change in the world.  Leo’s don’t care what happens they just do what they want to do and it doesn’t matter what else happens.  They will dictate and tell people what to do because that’s what they like to do.

Moving on, he has his Moon in Capricorn.  While your Sun represents your Ego and Individuality, your Moon represents your emotions.  Capricorn is a very serious and power driven sign.  Once again, it makes sense that he was so determined to become leader of France.  He climbed the ladder like the stereotypical Capricorn.  I don’t know Napoleon’s personality first hand, but he seems to be a serious person.  He was described as conservative, which is Capricorny.  He is indifferent about religion and Capricorn is logical and scientific.  Isaac Newton was a Capricorn while many other inventors and scientists were Aquarius’s.  Both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn, which indicates steadiness, practicality, and seriousness.

Looking at Napoleon’s 10th House, he has his Mercury and Sun in it.  Specifically, he has his Mercury conjuncted to his Midheaven.   The Midheaven begins the 10th House and has the heaviest influence on the 10th House.  The 10th House represents your career, public image; what you’re known for pretty much.  Having his Mercury where it was, was the most dominant in his image.  Mercury represents ones communication and mind.  Napoleon’s Mercury was located in Leo, once again giving him dominant and kingly views.  He speaks like a Leo; with a proud and confident attitude; in front of many people for all to hear because it’s in the 10th House.  Napoleon was a genius.  Saturn conjuncts his Mercury.  Saturn influence makes you a master at whatever.  It makes sense that he was a military genius because he needed that power for his Capricorn Moon and he used his mind and speech to obtain this power by attacking and claiming territory.  To add on, the Sun in his 10th House made him career driven.  Many famous people or people who are known for something almost always have their Sun in the 10th House.

Napoleon’s Rising is in Scorpio.  The Rising is how you appear to people and the presence you give off.  Scorpio is a manipulative and secretive sign.  Scorpio Risings are power driven and are good at masking things about themselves.  They have a presence and energy to them that is powerful.  Napoleon has his Jupiter in the first house.  The Rising sign is like the Midheaven; it’s the most important in the first  house and begins the house.  Jupiter, in astrology, represents expansion, luck, and knowledge.  Napoleon’s Jupiter in the first house gave him a very strong identity.  He is confident and his presence is easily known.  He’s just lucky in that aspect, which explains why he was able to be become emperor of France so easily.  Interestingly enough, Jupiter is squaring his Sun.  Basically what this means is, Napoleon is over confident in many ways.  He is so overconfident that he gets himself into situations that he thinks he can win, but he will surely fail.  Napoleon’s determination to take over Russia in the middle of winter is one of his most obvious examples of this aspect. 

King Louis: So I don't have much to say about King Louis, BUT what's so so cool about his chart is that he has Jupiter, Mercury, and his Sun all conjuncting the fixed star Regulus.  

What is Regulus?  Regulus is a fixed star that is located on the Leo and Virgo cusp.  This fixed star is one of the brightest stars in the sky and signifies Leo.  I haven't found that much information regarding the star, but I have learned that people's personal planets that come in contact with the fixed star Regulus have a very kingly stature to their personality.  Words that describe Regulus are prideful, famous, kingly, strong, noble, proud, arrogant, vain, ill, dramatic, deathly, and powerful.

Many people who have personal planets conjuncting Regulus are almost always famous or have something amazing about them.  And one of them is King Louis XVI.  He has both two personal planets the Sun and Mercury conducting Regulus.  This means that his individuality is kingly and famous in stature, as well as the things he speaks and communicates will be heard by all.  It makes a ton of sense that these planets are in conjunct to Regulus because he was the King of France.  On top of that, he has Jupiter.  Jupiter in general expands and highlights anything that it conjuncts in the chart.  So not only is Jupiter expanding and making King Louis Sun and Mercury prominent, but its combination with Regulus made King Louis almost destined to be king.

Regulus has also been associated with a dramatic death and illness.  King Louis was a lavish spender and heavily fueled the French revolution.  He ended up losing his head to the guillotine in front of everyone in the city to see.

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