Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chart Interpretation #1

Chart Interpretation #1

So first off, let’s give you a little rundown of your chart
You have your:
  • Sun in Pisces in the 7th House
  • Moon in Taurus/Gemini in the 9th/10th House
  • Mercury in Aquarius in the 6th House
  • Venus in Aquarius In the 5th House
  • Mars in Libra in the 2nd House
  • Jupiter in Scorpio in the 3rd House
  • Saturn in Libra in the 2nd House
  • Uranus in Sagittarius in the 4th House
  • Neptune in Sagittarius in the 4th House
  • Pluto in Libra 2nd House
  • Chiron in Taurus in the 9th house
  • Rising Sign in Virgo
  • 2nd House Cusp in Virgo
  • 3rd House Cusp in Libra
  • 4th House Cusp in Sagittarius/Scorpio
  • 5th House Cusp in Capricorn
  • 6th House Cusp in Aquarius
  • 7th House Cusp in Pisces
  • 8th House Cusp in Pisces
  • 9th House Cusp in Aries
  • 10th House Cusp in Gemini/Taurus
  • 11th House Cusp in Cancer
  • 12th House Cusp in Leo
  • Sun square Uranus
  • Sun trine Jupiter
  • Moon conjunct Midheaven
  • Moon opposite Uranus
  • Moon trine Venus
  • Mercury trine Mars
  • Mercury trine Saturn
  • Mercury square Jupiter
  • Venus square Saturn
  • Venus square Pluto
  • Venus sextile Uranus
  • Mars conjunct Saturn
  • Saturn conjunct Pluto
  • Mars conjunct Pluto
  • Saturn sextile Uranus
  • Saturn sextile Neptune
  • Neptune trine Pluto
  • Chiron square Mercury
  • Chiron opposite Jupiter
  • Chiron sextile North Node
  • North Node square Saturn
  • North Node square Pluto
  • Rising opposite Sun
  • Rising square Moon
  • Rising square Uranus
  • Rising trine Neptune
  • Midheaven square Rising
  • Midheaven trine Venus
  • Midheaven opposite Uranus

Sun in Pisces in the 7th House

Let’s start with your Sun sign.  Your Sun is in Pisces, which is a sign referred to psychic abilities.  It’s a sign of intuition, but delusion as well.  Most commonly I find with Pisces, is that they are really selfless and cute.  I’m not saying you’re cute in a weird way, they’re just innocent looking.  How could you hurt a little pisces; they’re like the little puppy dog with big watery eyes.  It’s so easy to take advantage of these people, from what I’ve noticed.  Pisces are very kind people.  They are the oldest zodiac sign and kind of like all the zodiac signs put together.  You're never really sure what you’re going to get with them.  Some of them are leaders and quite intelligent and others are completely lost.  Einstein is a Pisces!  I had a friend who was Pisces, and he liked to crossdress and pretend all the time.  Another Pisces I knew, was so kind and sweet, but was depressed.  They’re almost crazy to say the least, but awesome at the same time. I think they’re “lost” because they’re looking into the universe and their imagination, constantly, rather than reality.  It’s easy for them to fall victim to anything.  Addictions to video games or food and even people is very common.

This is especially true for you because you have your Sun in the 7th House opposing your Rising.  This means that you value relationships and people more than yourself.  The house the Sun is located in determines the way someone feels alive and what they need to do to feed their ego.  If your Sun is in the 5th House, you create to be happy.  If your Sun is in the 10th House, you work on your career to be happy.  When your Sun is in the 7th House, you work on other people to be happy?  Like what, you value relationships more than yourself?  The Sun wants to be in the 1st House (identity and self) just killing it, but in the 7th House, it’s being spread around and crushed by people.  Your Sun is so personal and unique to you, yet people can just do whatever they want to it.  It makes you feel worthless.  You need someone to show your worth.  You have a tendency to give away your ego, so you can have a relationship to get your ego back.  In other words, you lack boundaries.  You expect people to penetrate yours, so that you can penetrate their’s.  But the problem is, people don’t let you.  Suddenly, you have the biggest ego; you demand so much from others to feel alive because you’ve already given away so much.  Which can make people think you’re either crazy or insecure.  I have my Sun in the 7th House myself and I’ve always felt like people just take advantage me all the time; I try to take advantage of them; they don’t let me; I leave feeling confused.  The 7th House is our shadow.  You think everyone else has an ego and that you couldn’t possibly have one.  In many ways, this placement is like the princess locked in a tower waiting for there savior.  “Somebody please show me that I’m a person worthy of being a person” when she’s like the most valued person ever.  If you create something, it’s worthless unless someone else sees what you’ve done.  If you achieve something, it won’t feel like anything if you can’t achieve with someone.  This can make you a hopeless romantic.  An astrologer told me having a 7th House Sun means you have always know that you are a separate entity from other people.

When I first I tried to guess your zodiac sign before I read your chart, the first thing that came into my mind was Libra.  Libras are selfless, fair, smart, balanced and easy to walk over.  It’s easy to walk over these people, without even realizing it.  Which is great. Libras are ruled by Venus.  The planet of love and pleasure.  Every single Libran person to be around is always nice to be around; they are considerate.  It makes a lot of sense that your Sun is in the 7th House; as well as your Mars, Saturn, and Pluto are in the sign Libra!  The 7th House is ruled by Libra.  It’s also really interesting whenever I try to guess people’s zodiac sign. I often guess their Mars sign when trying to guess their Sun sign.  Mars is physical and visible in someones personality.  It’s literally someones energy, so it makes sense.

Anyway, back to your Sun.  It’s trining Jupiter; it’s a harmonious connection.  Jupiter is luck and expansion, so your ego has a sense of self that is always confident.  No matter how bogged down you may get, there’s always optimism inside of you.  Jupiter is also the planet of knowledge and rules Sagittarius, so you have a connection to philosophical thinking and teaching.  Teaching people comes easy to you and you enjoy teaching.  Exchanging ideas with others is enlarged because you have your Jupiter in the 3rd House.  The ideas you talk about are intelligent in nature and are essentially microphoned.  Jupiter is the public speaker.  A word of caution—don’t let this energy go to waste.  Jupiter is considered a very positive planet, especially when it’s trining a planet.  This can make you lazy and self indulgent, letting all your good value go to waste!

You also have your Sun squaring Uranus.  This gives you another intelligent aspect.  Your personality is unique.  Since this is a square, your personality may be almost off putting.  Unexpected actions could come from you, but a square here will only force you to make it work as an expected actions.  This placement can make you rather aquarian in nature; being sociable and humanitarian; awkward, but brilliant.  I really like this placement because these people are true to themselves, even though it may cause disruption among others.
Mercury in Aquarius in 6th House Having this placement makes you clever.  Your mind (mercury) is in the genius and eccentric sign of Aquarius.  You’re open-minded and witty.  The thoughts you have and express are rebellious, but intellectualized.  From the aspects above and this one, this indicates that you have a great sense of humor.  Intellectual debates and opposing someone else’s views gives you energy.  A lot of really cool people have this placement.  People like Marilyn Manson, Einstein, and Mozart all have Mercury in the Aquarius.  And you have to feel good about that because they’re pretty amazing as far as I’m concerned.  Now, having a Mercury 6th House means that your thoughts are organized.  It’s easy for you to implement or improvise ideas into your daily life.  You may follow a tight work schedule; responsibilities are important to you.  Sometimes, you can be a little too fussy about your work.  Nonetheless, you generate good results for yourself and others.

Your mind is very powerful, like it’s so good.  It’s no wonder you’re an english teacher.  You’ve got your Saturn and Mars trining Mercury (your mind).  Mars gives an incredible amount of energy to take in information and use it.  It’s like your mind is a muscle and it works out all the time. Because of Mars, you’re quick-minded and information seeking.  Saturn gives you structure and discipline mentally.  You can work through large amounts of information without getting tired.  You have good judgement and a clear mind.  The flow of your thoughts are quick, yet easily distributed.

The only bad aspect to your Mercury (mind), is Jupiter square Mercury.  Jupiter may be good for you ego, but your mind takes it too far.  Jupiter is expansion and when squaring, it becomes a negative expansion.  You have way too many thoughts and way too many things to talk about.  Sometimes you may lie when talking to others, or kind of make up things to fill up the holes in your mind.  Jupiter is the speaker, so you can say things along the mind of a psychopath.  When you learn about things, there’s a tendency to be lazy or overconfident in your ability to learn; this makes your thoughts rather sloppy.  No matter, you have Mercury in a very fortunate position; Saturn and 6th House influences gives organization.  I wouldn’t worry.

Another cool thing to note—because Mercury is the bridge from the ego to the real world, you may feel like you’re thinking one thing, but expressing another.  If your essence and self is Pisces and your mind is Aquarius, your thoughts and communication will come out more rebellious and intellectual than you expected.  There may be a minor miss of communication or “blockage” because your Sun isn’t really getting information it’s expecting to go in or out.

Mars, Saturn, Pluto in Libra in the 2nd House

The 2nd House is our money, possessions, and what gives us value essentially.  With these three planets here, it means that you take this part of your life very seriously.  Mars indicates that your energy is slow, but you can work through something tirelessly.  You have knack for making money or creating value for yourself.  This placement has been found in people who have served in the military or participated in professional sports.  I don’t know if you have, but you said something that reminded me of military.  You would make a slash through your zeros, but anyway.  Saturn indicates a methodical way to making your income, especially because your 2nd House is cusping in Virgo.  The way you save and use your money is always very calculated and you pay lots of attention to it.  You’re kind of at a contradiction; Saturn is our lessons; you probably buy things that you don’t need to feel good about yourself, but find out that it doesn’t really generate any satisfaction.  So you buy more stuff!  I have my Saturn in a similar placement, and I’m always telling myself objects and stuff will make me happy, but it doesn’t at all, just feeds my addiction.  You don’t really like to share either.  This can mean you’re kind of greedy.  Pluto signifies power.  Power you generate for yourself is through your stuff, making it difficult to let go of possessions.  Pluto is also dark, and death-related; so, your value could be generated from the occult or dark subjects.

Saturn conjunct Mars could make you feel like your physical actions are powerless.  It takes you a lot of work to get things done.  Positively, you’ve learned to be very patient.  When you go to work or take an action, you tend to take it slowly, but sometimes your mind changes once you’ve chosen to do something, which can be frustrating for you.  However, you do think before you make an action, which gives you discipline and good self control.  Saturn conjunct Pluto gives you the desire for power and control, but in order to achieve this power you must cast away your old self and old beliefs essentially gaining a new perspective, like the “phoenix from the ashes.”  Saturn here make it difficult because it wants you to discard parts of yourself that you’d rather keep.  Saturn and pluto are both weary and cautious planets, giving you an awareness to the secrets and depths of life.  This gives you a conservative nature.  Mars conjunct Pluto shows that you may have been caught in many violent or death related events, or you choose to take actions that are rather deadly.

You have these three planets in Libra.  A cool thing to note—having a lot of planets in Libra makes you attractive, so I’m sure you feel great about that.  It also means you are a relational person.  Like I said, I originally thought you were a Libra Sun sign, and it’s probably because of these three planets.

Mars is our anger and aggression and when it’s in Libra, it’s in a contradiction.  Mars wants to be in Aries; the aggressive and assertive sign.  Libra is passive-aggressive.  Mars is someone’s anger, so what makes you angry??  Well, you like to be fair and selfless.  Instead of telling people how you feel, you expect them to be considerate of your feelings.  Of course, people will take this for granted and then you’ll end up resenting them for it.  When people start to see this resentment you charm and manipulate them to listen to you.  And somehow, if you have an outrage, it will be self-righteous, but lacking in force.  If nothing works, you either gossip about the person you hate, or just let it happen.

Saturn in Libra means that you must deal with relationships with structure.  People with this placement have a tendency to get into a relationship with an idealized image.  They try to get the person to be the person they’ve created in their mind, which totally ends up ruining the relationship.  Relationships are relational; they are not for your fantasies.  It may not seem like it, but Saturn in Libra is one of the best placements for Saturn. Saturn may indicate no marriage or late marriage.  If you’re already married then perhaps a divorce.  Whatever happens, Saturn helps your relationships be the best.

  Continuing with relationships, you’re quite playful in them and you are always romantic.  This is because you have Venus in 5th House.  You like to indulge and create.  The arts and other beauties give you happiness.  Your Venus is a little out of control here, which is why Saturn is squaring your Venus.  Saturn is putting up those restrictions to your love and beauty.  Pluto is squaring your Venus as well.  In love or relationships, you’re probably going crazy.  Maybe you go through a ton of people, or you just can’t seem to keep people around you without there being a chaotic environment.  Maybe relationships are just the bane of your existence.  Pluto gives depth too, making you extremely intense in your relationships.  Sometimes you can go from feelings of complete hatred to love—very black and white.  Relationships may also have a play on possessions.  By having Pluto and Saturn in the 2nd House (possessions) could be interfering with your ability to bond happily.

Venus is trining Uranus meaning that you attract intelligent people who may be quirky or weird.  It makes you happy to do things that are weird or different with others.  You’ve got Neptune trining Saturn and Pluto.  There’s structure, support, and depth for your ideals and dreams.  Neptune and Pluto are also psychic like planets, so this boosts your intuitive nature.  They’re good aspects; you’ve got a lot of potential here, as any astrologer would say.  Having Neptune in the 4th House indicates creativity at home.  When you were younger, you probably spent a lot of time creating things, like drawing for example.  My Mom has this placement; everyday after school, she would come home and draw.  Neptune is also delusion, so there may have been a loss of memory or confusion at home growing up.  Now, Uranus in the 4th House is a difficult placement.  The home may have been constantly changing and chaotic.  You could have changed homes a lot.  Maybe your life at home wasn’t stable or directed you in a weird direction causing difficultly.  Uranus in the 4th House is opposing your Moon, which must have affected you emotionally.

Rising Sign in Virgo

Having your Sun in Pisces puts you in a contradiction.  Virgo is the opposite of Pisces.  You’re this crazy, fun-loving, imaginative Pisces, but you appear like a Virgo.  You appear type A personality, but you’re type B, too.  From a front, you like to analyze, read, understand, and process the world around you.  Virgo Risings sometimes have a tendency to want to fix and help everybody, which can be good or bad.  They always need to be doing some kind of work.  They know how to delegate responsibilities to themselves and others to produce the best results.  Sometimes you can appear reserved or cold to people when really you’re probably shy.  Virgo Risings are highly intelligent.  They can also be quite attune to their health.  Considerate and practicality is common in Virgo Risings.  They will never try to take advantage of someone or be obnoxious actions.  Keep in mind this is how you appear and the role you take on.  The Virgo Rising role is the organizer or analyzer.  I think it’s a very good role in the world we live in because of it’s heavy reliance on work and logic.

Moon in Taurus/Gemini in 9th House/10th House

The Moon is your inner self and emotional mind.  When being opposed by Uranus, you don’t like to be put in a box.  Being your own self is very important to you.  Routine may be a problem, so you might to random things to change up your day.  Going out in nature and getting away from society may be a common thing for you.  There’s a lot of spirit and vitality in this placement.  This is similar to Moon in Aquarius—logical and detached from your emotions, but sociable too.  My sister has her Moon in Aquarius and she isn’t really empathetic, but definitely discrete.  Your emotions may be random at times, making you appear to have disorders.  Normally, disorders are apparent with Uranus opposite or square Mercury because Mercury is your mind.  Howie Mendel has Mercury square/opposite Uranus and he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  This doesn’t mean that you have a disorder, but your emotions can be rather electric—like you need to get up and do something crazy or out of the ordinary.

Your Moon is in the sign Taurus; the sign of comfortability.  Your emotions are influenced by the environment or material world.  Drama or chaotic environments can really annoy your inner world.  When you relax, you’re of the of the best of relaxers; you’ve got the perfect drink, the perfect temperature, and a squishy chair.  Because if you don’t… you’ll be unhappy.  Comfortability is what makes your inner self secure.  My Mom has this placement and she is so attuned to the beauty of things.  Our house is always finely decorated and beautiful; she always reads magazines on furniture with the perfect drink beside her.  Having Moon in Taurus means that you know how to be comfortable and how to make others comfortable—kind of like the Moon in Cancer—very nurturing and sweet and peaceful.  Your motherly figure must’ve have been very Taurus-like.  Moon in Taurus is one of the best placements for the Moon.  Taurus is an Earth sign, so emotionally, you don’t have much going on.  I mean everyone has emotions, but for you, emotions won’t get to you.  When you feel, you feel shallow because you have an Earth sign for a Moon.  This can actually be a good thing because you can feel emotions from a comfortable or practical perspective.  This gives you the ability to have feelings without becoming a total wreck.  All water Moon signs can feel things so deep that they to the point of losing touch with reality.  The Air and Fire Moons are alright; they tend to focus too much around them rather than reflecting inwards, though.  Taurus is the best of the Earth signs.  The other ones look at their emotions practically, but tend to overdo it—making their emotions “empty.”  Capricorn Moon’s will look at emotions of themselves and others as weak, making them cold; Virgo Moon’s will analyze their emotions to the point of anxiety, or until their emotions lose value.  But Taurus Moons… They just have a practical sense of emotions, without totally losing them…Because Taurus is still a very emotional sign.  Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus.  Taurus’s or people with Taurean influences have very good memories because they are so finely attuned to the environment.

In addition to your Moon, it could be in the sign of Gemini.  Your Moon is 29 degrees Taurus, so you may feel like you have a Gemini Moon, too.  I would say you’re more a Taurus Moon, but in a general sense you could apply to Gemini Moon.  Gemini Moons are very smart and quick thinkers.  You can kind of have conversations inside of yourself.  There’s lots of creativity and plenty of information inside of you.  Sometimes, it may feel like you can’t reach a state of peace because you’re always thinking.

Your Moon is also either in the 9th or 10th House.  It’s more in the 9th House.  This basically means that you care about your beliefs and your career very much.  The beliefs you have may be very well formulated and the career you have will affect you deeply depending how well you are doing in your career.  The Moon conjuncting your Midheaven (MC) may kind of suck.  You may have felt like you needed to grow up too fast focusing too much on your career, or your mom may have spent a lot of her time working—because the Moon represents the Mother.  Having the Moon in the 9th points out your mom had very strong beliefs; she enforced strong beliefs into you.  You could have grown up strictly religious, or your mom just gave you a good sense of morals and beliefs to follow.  Sorry, random thought, but if you’ve seen the show Dexter, Dexter would have his Moon in Capricorn right on the cusp of his 8th and 9th House, in my opinion.  His beliefs were deeply influenced by his father.  He had a higher knowledge, almost like doing good for the world rather than evil through his actions.  Sagittarius is like the universal and aloof knowledge that can’t really be explained. The 8th House is death because his mom died and there were many secrets regarding his mom.  The Moon, by the way, can represent either parent if the other is not present.  Anyway, that’s how what it’s like to have Moon in the 9th.  Kind of like a Sagittarius Moon, your beliefs and teaching other people about what you believe is important.  Exploration is a big thing for you.  Learning and understanding other cultures and languages interests you deeply.

Chiron is in your 9th House.  Chiron is our wounds.  This is a very good placement for you.  Being a teacher and all, you’ve learned what it was like to have your beliefs put down.  Having Chiron in whatever place it’s in, and for you it’s the 9th House, gives the ability to help others through the same pain that your Chiron is in.  So you can bestow power and confidence in in other people’s beliefs and teaching, which is great.  Chiron is the key.  It unlocks your damaged and hurt potential to do amazing good for others.

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