Thursday, March 17, 2016

Personal Planet Aspects

Sun - Ego, Wants
Moon - Emotions, Needs
Mercury - Mind, Communication
Venus - Aesthetics, Relationships
Mars - Passion, Agression

Jupiter - Expansion, Luck
Saturn - Limitation, Burdens
Uranus - Independence, Randomness
Neptune - Delusion, Idealism
Pluto - Power, Depth

Sun - Moon:  Very well put together or not put together.  Harmonious aspect allows the persons goals and feelings to work together.  Negative aspect makes the person feel split and confused about what they want in life.  This can lead to laziness, random spurts of hard work, and generally random changes in direction.  This is because the natives needs are at odds with the persons desires.  Say for example, you have someone who's an Aries with their Moon in Cancer.  They'll be really aggressive and confident because they are an Aries, but their Cancer Moon is going to be utterly appalled at the aggressiveness.  The Aries Sun will be moody and sensitive to things they don't want to be sensitive towards.  They'll be thinking how 'weak' they are feeling because they need to be aggressive and confident because that's what they want, but what they need is calmness and sensitivity towards their feelings.

Sun - Mercury:  Only a conjunction can occur in this aspect.  If in conjunction, the person identifies with the words they say and can see the words they say as a part of themselves.  They make for witty and intelligent people, but can very opinionated and easily hurt if disagreed with.

Sun - Venus:  The person is usually creative and values the arts in one way or another.  Hard labor and mundane of anything annoys this person.  The native is quite diplomatic, popular or attractive.  In negative aspect the person could be lazy or somewhat narcissistic. 

Sun - Mars:  Has a lot of energy and has trouble sitting still.  Usually has an interest in sports and can be very impatient.  In negative aspect the person can cause fights or arguments and isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty.  In fact, they want to get their hands dirty.

Sun - Jupiter:  Expanded and grandiose sense of the world.  The person looks on the positive side of everything, which assorts to a very optimistic and lively view.  In negative aspect, the person can be way too overconfident and sometimes shocked or caught of guard when they fail to achieve something.  This is similar to bipolar disorder.  They can be on top of the world or down in the dumps.  Sometimes, they can be too comfortable with results they’ve created that aren’t very good.

Sun - Saturn:  Extreme lack of confidence in themselves and abilities.  The person is highly critical of themselves, others, and sets extremely high standards.  They are never satisfied with their results and are looking for ways to feel important or famous.  In positive aspect, this makes someone a hard worker and goal oriented.  In negative aspect, these people can lack discipline or responsibility and can be found not even trying to achieve for fear of failure or rejection.

Sun - Uranus:  A person can change or be quite sudden in the things they do.  They cling very tightly to their sense of identity, ideas, and freedom.  In negative aspect, these people are found to be way too unpredictable and random, or an extreme creature of habit that is constantly being forced to do something they don’t want to do—rebelliousness.  

Sun - Neptune: A lack of identity and self.  There is a need for a glamorized or special need for the native.  They look through rose colored glasses and are extremely sensitive to the harsh realities of the world.  In positive, they are creative and idealistic.  In negative, they are escapists and self-destructors.

Sun - Pluto:  They are extremely dominant and manipulative.  In positive, they are able to harmoniously control and manipulate people to get what they need.  In negative aspect, they can manipulate and control others in ways that are, well, not okay because these people have a deep desire for power and control.  And people need power or control because they have underlying fears or insecurities.

Moon - Mercury:  Can have trouble thinking rationally because what they think is also what they feel.  When they speak, they speak passionately, and are great speakers or conversationalists.

Moon - Venus:  In positive aspect, this person had plenty of luxuries and was well spoiled.  The person is sensitive and can have a increased feminine side to them.  Males or females with this aspect can actually be gay or overly feminine.  In negative aspect, these people were probably given things rather than actual love.  Or they over indulged themselves in food and luxuries and are prone to laziness.

Moon - Mars:  The native has a very protective side to them and is very quick to be on the defensive.  They are very impatient and have charged sexual energy.  The person probably grew up around a chaotic environment or mother.  Negatively, these people are so defensive and sensitive that they can cause many fights.

Moon - Jupiter:  Overly emotional and gushy and usually has a very strong need to believe and teach something.  Like a religion.  In negative, they can be overly generous or way too expressive in their emotions or ideas.

Moon - Saturn:  Emotionally restricted or structured.  It’s difficult for the native to express their needs or emotions.  In positive aspect, the person is grounded and has a good sense of judgment and ambition.  Negatively, the person can be too serious or burdened with unwanted feelings.  Sometimes, these people have mothers that needed mothering rather then the mother mothering them.  

Moon - Uranus:  Grew up in a chaotic or unstable life.  The person needs to change things up or be spontaneous on a day to day basis.  Sometimes, these people are eccentric or detached emotionally.

Moon - Neptune:  Extremely idealistic and creative on the inside.  The person is very sensitive and prone to sadness or depression and sometimes escapes through drugs or addictions.

Moon - Pluto:  A very strong desire to control and manipulate people.  The native will never be submissive and never will let their guard down.  They will constantly analyze and investigate peoples emotions and actions to make sure they can protect themselves from emotional rejections or hurts.  The native feels things so strongly and intensely that it creates irrational fears.  The mother was manipulative or overly controlling.

Mercury - Venus:  A mind of a person that is fond of beauty and the arts.  They are diplomatic and balanced with their words and communication.  The native tends to say things to keep the peace and to obtain a popular assortment with people.

Mercury - Mars:  An extremely impatient and quick minded person.  The communication is blunt, to the point and opinionated.  The native has the words of cynic and has a witty vocabulary.

Mercury - Jupiter: The native is very confident in their opinions and is philosophical.  In negative aspect, they can say things that aren’t true or provide information with many holes in it.  The things they say can be too grand or optimistic.

Mercury - Saturn:  A good sense of judgment and rational thought is found here.  In negative aspect, the native has trouble learning or speaking in early life.  Einstein had this aspect.

Mercury - Uranus:  The thoughts and ideas are free, original, opinionated and radical.  The native is intelligent and can see a clear path to the truth, or similar to the truth.  In negative aspect, they can suffer from OCD or some other mental illness, forgetting or avoiding the regular way to socialize and think.

Mercury - Neptune:  The thoughts are inspiring, delusional, creative, idealistic, and collective.  These people are very good at distorting the realities of things.  It’s easy for them to say or think something of an event or piece of information that completely distorts the idea or thing and this distortion is refined, pleasant, glamorized, and misleading.  Basically, they are liars at heart or amazing creativity without even knowing it.  Schizophrenia could be found in this aspect.

Mercury - Pluto: This person is very aware of the darker and deeper meanings in life.  They investigate and learn secrets about people and anything.  Their words are intense and are people that truly believe that knowledge and communication is power.  Their words are like 1000’s of knives with poison on them.

Venus - Mars:  The native has a ton of passionate and intimate feelings.  There’s a blending of the feminine and masculine energies in this person.  There is tons of creative and passionate energy that is put into everyday life.  The person does things that are beautiful.  They put their efforts into venus qualities, but also put beauty into their actions as well.

Venus - Jupiter:  These people have a friendliness to them and are usually quite popular.  Sometimes they can be too attuned to popularity and having a good time that they lie and charm people to death or spend too much money to obtain these pleasures.  Work does not really interest them, and will have a tendency to marry for the sake of money and pleasure.  There is an inflated sense of worth and easiness within relationships.

Venus - Saturn:  This person has a lack of self-worth and fights to be popular or beautiful, unlike the venus-jupiter.  Constantly, the native looks for proof that they are amazing (narcissistic issues here) and can use and abuse people to obtain this image.  There is an issue in relationships where the person puts up strict walls and can be quite untrustworthy of others.  These people will never give anything to someone unless they know that they will get something back and are very serious in their relationships.

Venus - Uranus: There is a tendency to be aloof and uncaring in relationships, mostly because these people are extremely afraid of rejection.  The native can have unusual relationships, like being gay or lesbian, not marrying at all, or having an open marriage.  They value honesty and have a free view when it comes to love.  And it can literally be free; these people absolutely hate to lose their freedom over a relationship.

Venus - Neptune:  The person has idealistic and a glamorized idea of what love should look like.  They are hopeless romantics and tend to be easily manipulated.  The native with this aspect is blind to love and can fall into addictions or delusions of people they fall in love with.

Venus - Pluto: Take a relationship, and make it super intense or attractive.  Pluto makes relationships for the person extremely intense and can even give the native the ability to transform themselves and others through relationships.  There is a talent for dealing with people in relationships, which makes them good manipulators or attracters.  There are definitely deep rooted issues surrounding jealousy and tendency to want to consume a ton of love from someone in a relationship (clinginess).

Mars - Jupiter: People with this aspect can be big fighters, especially when it involves the beliefs of themselves and others.  Generally, these people fight for a type of cause, religion, country, or God.  Because Mars is such a physical planet and Jupiter just expands everything—the native can be overly physical and fight way too much for absolutely no good reason sometimes.  However, they can fight for very good causes as well.

Mars - Saturn:  If Mars-Jupiter fights too much, Mars-Saturn fights too little.  These people are tested for their courage or strength because there can be a correlation to fear of fighting or defending their beliefs.  These people have a structured and determined energy.

Mars - Uranus: The native with this aspect can take quite drastic and life altering actions for themselves or for others.  In can be sudden, and even violent.  The actions these people take are original and determined.

Mars - Neptune:  In a positive sense, these people are good actors; they create amazing things with their actions; they can put on a false action for creative and or manipulative endeavors.  Negatively, there is a delusion about being the best fighter, or being the toughest, or taking steroids and taking pictures after working out.  Neptune is refinement, so it rules over cameras.

Mars - Pluto:  The native can be quite ruthless to themselves or others.  There is a desperate need to fight and survive in all situations, especially when there is a negative aspect.  Sometimes, these people happen to fall into violent situations where they forced to find a way to survive.  Ultimately, these people must win and dominate anything and everything in their life.

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